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71 posts

Laid Off or Lonely, You May Be Lucky

Before Dennis Crowley created foursquare, he started Dodgeball. The circumstances of being laid off at the same time as his cofounder led them to work together which would set off the chain of events that led to Dodgeball’s creation. Eventually,

Sample: Grooveshark

Someone had suggested I add an interview to the site to give an idea of the structure and content, so I took the first one from the book. This is interview is with the Cofounder/CTO of, Josh Greenberg. Overview:

Startups Open Sourced, 1 Week Later: $10,000+ in Revenue

PayPal account: $1,555.18 1-day special: $8,211 (keep $3,167) * sales: $1,590 (keep $708.75) account: $206.91 Bulk affiliate sale: $700 Total revenue generated, including affiliates:  $12,263.09 Personal gross revenue: $6,337.84 Total investment cost: $2,000 ($1,000 editing, $800 transcription,

What’s up, Reddit?

As you sit there in your computer lab, procrastinating the homework that’s due in a couple of hours, I wanted to remind you that you’ll soon be getting a boring job. Are you absolutely certain you want to do that?

There’s no problem in Silicon Valley

There was an article written by Hermione Way called “The problem with Silicon Valley is Itself.” The article can best be summarized in Hermione’s own words: Living in San Francisco since January, I’ve interviewed around two hundred startups and there’s

Weebly: Be Content With Modest Growth

When I read that Weebly was pushing forward profitably, I recalled the interview I did with David Rusenko several months ago. Weebly doesn’t get talked about a lot, but it’s one of those startups I really wanted to do when

Grooveshark’s Interview

Tags: programmer, cofounder search, undergrad founder, hiring, VC funded, school worker, undergrad dropout, design-focused, major league player (Top 50 ranked site, Alexa top 1,000) Overview: Grooveshark started in 2006 with the goal of competing with piracy and becoming the #1

Wufoo’s interview

I just read about Wufoo getting acquired by Survey Monkey, and I’ve had a few people tell me that I should release some more interviews here for people to read from the Startups Open Sourced book. Do you think I

Gobble raises $1.2 million

A special congrats to Ooshma at Gobble — she has just raised $1.2 million according to TechCrunch. I remember when I first heard the idea for Gobble and I brainstormed with Ooshma to try and calculate how feasible the idea–or the

About Jared Tame

Studied advertising and computer science at University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign, graduates in 2011 Y Combinator alumni from the Summer 2009 batch; cofounded GraffitiGeo, which was later acquired by Loopt in 2009. First Silicon Valley experience was joining TokBox as employee